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Available from version1.0

<Path to configuration file>


/Configuration <Path to configuration file>


This parameter must be specified if the configuration file with the name Configuration.xml is not located in the same directory from where the application is started. If the path to the configuration file is committed first, the keyword /Configuration does not need to be specified.


IBI.helpMe.Client.exe /Param_0 ... /Param_n
Without specifying a configuration file. In this case, a file with the name Configuration.xml must be located in the application directory.

IBI.helpMe.Client.exe "\\fileserver\ibiShare$\config.xml" /Param_1 ... /Param_n
The path to the configuration file is entered first. In this case, there is no need to enter the /configuration keyword.

IBI.helpMe.Client.exe /Param_0 ... /Param_n /Configuration "\\fileserver\ibiShare$\config.xml"
The path to the configuration file is entered in any position. In this case, the /configuration keyword must be entered.

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