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Distribution profiles


A distribution profile is used in connection with the HTML-based Create support case dialog (see DropDown list). Generally defined configuration values can be overwritten by means of a distribution profile.

<configuration version="1.2.0">
       <distributionProfile id="SmtpProfile1">
          <emailSubjectTemplate>{%String.SubjectPrefix%} {%Input.subject%}</emailSubjectTemplate>
             <emailRecipient sendType="To">recipient1@companyA.local</emailRecipient>
             <emailRecipient sendType="Cc">recipient2@companyA.local</emailRecipient>
       <distributionProfile id="MapiProfile1">
       <distributionProfile id="ServiceNowProfile1">


Profile attributeDescription
deliveryTypeOverwrites the general transmission mode setting
emailSubjectTemplateOverwrites the contents of the subject of the email message to be sent
emailContentTemplatePathOverwrites the default path to the mail template
emailRecipientsOverwrites the recipient of the email message to be sent
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