Using e-mail templates
The e-mail message format used for emailing a support case can be set by the user on demand. To do so, a file named Mail.template must be created in the application directory. An alternate path to a template file can be specified using the /MailTemplate start parameter. The character encoding of the file must be set to UTF-8.
The contents of the file can be freely determined by the user. Placeholders are used to insert the information that has been determined, as well as the user entries. The format of the placeholders is as follows:
User entries
Description | Placeholder | Comment |
Subject entered | {%Input.Subject%} | |
Description entered | {%Input.Description%} | |
Category selected | {%Input.Category%} | |
Values of the additional input fields | {%Input.InputField_n%} | n is a number (starting with 0) and reflects the input field which was defined at the nth position in the Configuration.xml file. |
Information to be determined
Locale information
Description | Placeholder |
Operating system | {%Local.OS%} |
Operating system (32-bit or 64-bit) | {%Local.OsSystemType%} |
Computer name | {%Local.Computername%} |
Client name, if a connection via Remote Desktop exists. | {%Local.Clientname%} |
User name | {%Local.Username%} |
Session ID | {%Local.SessionID%} |
Assigned IP addresses | {%Local.IP%} |
Active Directory informationen
All readable ActiveDirectory attributes for the user and the computer can be supplied. The placeholder in this case is structured as follows:
- {%
- ActiveDirectory
- [point]
- Source: User (User) or computer (Computer)
- [point]
- Name of the attribute
- %}
Description | Placeholder |
User's telephone number | {%ActiveDirectory.User.telephoneNumber%} |
Computer's regional settings | {%ActiveDirectory.Computer.countryCode%} |
An example of an e-mail template file
[e-mail address]