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Window settings


The window attributes of the following dialogs can be defined in this area.

Configurable dialogs

SupportCaseCreate support case
ServicePortalService Portal
ServicePortaIntegratedBrowserBuilt-in browser of the Service Portal

Configurable attributes

isMaximizedTrue, FalseDefines if the window should be displayed maximized.
canMaximizeTrue, FalseDefines if the window can be maximized.
canResizeTrue, FalseDefines if the window size can be customized.
sizingModeContent, WindowDefines how to interpret the specified window size. If Window is selected, the total window sized will be defined. If Content is selected instead, the size of the available internal area (minus the lower area containing the buttons) will be defined.
widthEine Zahl > 0Window width
heightEine Zahl > 0Window height


<configuration version="1.2.0">
	<!-- Window settings -->
	    <window id="SupportCase" sizingMode="Window" width="650" height="550" canMaximize="False" canResize="False" />
		<window id="ServicePortal" sizingMode="Content" width="650" height="550" isMaximized="True" />
		<window id="ServicePortalIntegratedBrowser" sizingMode="Content" width="650" height="550" isMaximized="True" />

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.