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Create an e-mail template

The e-mail format used for sending a support case can be customized if required.. To do so, a file named Mail.template must be created in the application directory. An alternative path can be specified in IBI-helpMe Admin under Distribution > E-Mail content template path. The character encoding of the file must be set to UTF-8.


The contents of the file can be freely determined by the user. Placeholders are used to insert the information that has been determined, as well as the user entries. The format of the placeholders is as follows:

Input fields

Input field value{%Input.input-field-id%}input-field-id is the ID of the input field whose value is to be inserted

Information to be transmitted

Local information


Operating system


Operating system

(32-bit or 64-bit)


Computer name


Client name, if a connection via Remote Desktop exists.


User name


Session ID


Assigned IP addresses


Active Directory information

All readable ActiveDirectory attributes for the user and the computer can be supplied. The placeholder in this case is structured as follows:

  1. {%
  2. ActiveDirectory
  3. [point]
  4. Source: User (User) or computer (Computer)
  5. [point]
  6. Name of the attribute
  7. %}



User's telephone number


Computer's regional settings


Content of a template

An example of an e-mail template file

[e-mail address]
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