These settings are ignored in the "Create support case" HTML-based dialog. See Define input fields
When creating a support case, the user can avail of categories. An additional input field is displayed for this purpose. This field can be defined as a mandatory field if necessary.
Categories can also be freely defined. Each category can contain further subcategories. (See example)
An alternative transmission mode can be defined for each category and subcategory. (See example)
Alternative email recipients (emailRecipients) can be defined for categories and subcategories (see example). This option is only available for MAPI and SMTP transmission modes.
The value entered here is displayed in the dialog.
The displayName values in the example are resource Ids (recognizable by curly brackets). These resource Ids must be defined in the localization files. More information can be found in the Localization chapter.
Unique ID of the respective category.
To facilitate automatic categorization for the recipient of a support case, the selected category (value) can be inserted into the subject line. This option is only available if MAPI and SMTP transmission modes are used.
Allowed values:
Value | Description |
| This category is not inserted in the subject |
Before | The defined value is inserted before the actual subject |
After | The defined value is inserted after the actual subject |
<configuration version="1.2.0">
<!-- Categories -->
<categories displayName="{Category}" isOptional="False">
<category displayName="{Category.Software}" value="software" addValueToSubject="No">
<subcategory displayName="{Category.Software.ApplicationA}" value="software">
<emailRecipient sendType="To"></emailRecipient>
<emailRecipient sendType="Cc"></emailRecipient>
<emailRecipient sendType="Bcc"></emailRecipient>
<subcategory displayName="{Category.Software.ApplicationB}" deliveryType="REST" value="software"/>
<emailRecipient sendType="To"></emailRecipient>
<catgory displayName="{Category.IT}" value="IT" addValueToSubject="After" />