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Transmission mode


Defines which transmission mode is to be used.

The following transmission modes are available:

Transmission Connection settingsDescription

This transmission mode requires that each client has an email client installed that supports the Simple MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface).

If this transmission mode is defined, IBI-helpMe creates an email template from the data input, which the user then needs to submit in the email client.

SMTPSMTP-Connection settings

This transmission mode requires that an SMTP server is available.

If this transmission mode is defined, IBI-helpMe sends

the created support case directly in the form of an email.

RESTServiceNow-Connection settings

This transmission mode requires that ServiceNow is in use.

If this transmission mode is defined, IBI-helpMe transmits the created support case directly to ServiceNow via the REST interface.


<configuration version="1.2.0">


    <!-- Define transmission mode [SMTP, MAPI or REST] ] -->


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