Javascript interface
IBI-helpMe provides a Javascript interface if you use the HTML-based version of the Create support case dialog. With this interface, you can replace the entire contents of the Create support case dialog by your own in-house version (e.g. an existing intranet page) and control IBI-helpMe.
IBI-helpMe uses the Javascipt object window. external for the provision of the interface. In addition, IBI-helpMe is able to trigger certain events. Event handlers need to be defined in the window object.
- ibihelpme_ChangeDistributionProfile
- ibihelpme_CloseWindow
- ibihelpme_CreateScreenshot
- ibihelpme_DeleteScreenshot
- ibihelpme_GetApiVersion
- ibihelpme_GetCurrentDeliveryType
- ibihelpme_GetCurrentUILanguage
- ibihelpme_GetFormularFields
- ibihelpme_GetScreenshots
- ibihelpme_GetScreenshotsCount()
- ibihelpme_GetScreenshotThumbnails
- ibihelpme_GetString
- ibihelpme_GetSystemInformationItems
- ibihelpme_LogError
- ibihelpme_NeedsOutlookNotRunningWarning
- ibihelpme_QuerySystemInformationAsync
- ibihelpme_ReplaceVariablesAsync
- ibihelpme_SetWindowTitle
- ibihelpme_ShowConfirmMessageBox
- ibihelpme_ShowScreenshot
- ibihelpme_Submit